# Easy Power Refresh
**Power Options + NoNpDrm Games Installer all together in one app!.**
### Description ###
This simple app was made for the users who wanted to have all the options mentioned above in the same vpk.
### Changelog 2.01 ###
- Add Export Multimedia file : mp3, mp4, jpg, png (file must be in "ux0:Multimedia").<br>
- Add an batterie indicator.<br>
- New PIC0 and backgroung.<br>
- New ressources thanks to Chronoss.<br>
### Changelog 2.00 ###
**Changes thanks to Chronoss:**
- Add Reload Config.txt.<br>
- Add Conexion USB.<br>
- New resources.<br>
With Easy Power Refresh you'll get the next options in an easy to use menu:
1. **Restart PSVita** -> This option will restart the console.
2. **Shutdown PSVita** -> This option will turn off the console.
3. **Update DB** -> This option will update your games DB (you will not lose the bubbles layout in the livearea).
4. **Reload Config.txt** -> This option will reload the config.txt file in "ux0:tai" folder.
5. **USB** -> This option let you connect your PSVita on PC in USB mode like VitaShell.
6. **Export Multimedia Files** -> This option will export multimedia from "ux0:Multimedia" folder to Music/Picture or Video app
7. **NoNpDrm Games** -> This option will search for non installed games in NoNpDrm format
and install them (based on vitashell's Livearea Refresh).
8. **Exit** -> To exit the application
## NOTE: ##
**To be able to use option "NoNpDrm Games" you must have correctly installed the ([NoNpDrm](https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/NoNpDrm/releases/tag/v1.1)) by TheFloW!**
Please feel free to report any issue or bugs.
## Credits: ##
**TheFloW** for the **NoNpDrm plugin** and the Vitashell **Livearea Refresh option**.