# vita-chain
Creating a chain reaction. It's never been so fun! This is my first touchy-the-fish game for PS Vita that allow homebrew.
<img src='https://github.com/svennd/vita-chain/blob/master/chain_v0.1.png' />
note: Project has been abandoned, from 50+ dots, we can't maintain the fps, I don't know why, so there is not really a point.
# features
* touchy the fishy ?
* levels
* explosions.
# Installation
A release is made every so often and can be downloaded directly from the [releases](https://github.com/svennd/vita-tetromino/releases) this can be installed using molecularshell (Team Molecule) or [vitashell](https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/VitaShell) (TheFlow).
Requirements :
* PS VITA with firmware version 3.60
* [henkaku](https://henkaku.xyz) installed
# Build information
If you wish to 'compile' this game :
* download [Lua Player Plus Vita](https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/lpp-vita), nightly is adviced.
* follow those directions
# credits
* [Lua Player Plus Vita](https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/lpp-vita) by [Rinnegatamante](http://rinnegatamante.it)
* [touch icon](https://iconsmind.com)
* font : [xolonium](https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/xolonium)