# MSweep
Simple minesweeper written in C++ for PlayStation Vita<br>
[<img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/release-v1.2.1-blue.svg">](https://github.com/Creckeryop/MSweep/releases)
<img src="screenshots/screenshots.gif">
## Features
* Saves
* Kills some time
* Great, Original UI
## How to play
* <kbd>DPAD</kbd> - Move
* <kbd>Cross</kbd> - Open tile (or open group of tiles if you press on number)
* <kbd>Square</kbd> - Put Question mark
* <kbd>Circle</kbd> - Flag / Unflag
* <kbd>Triangle</kbd> - Recreate level
* <kbd>Start</kbd> - Go to pause menu
## Building
Install [vitasdk](https://github.com/vitasdk) and build MSweep using:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
## About save
Save file is located in `ux0:data\msweep_save.txt` you can simply edit it<br>
Here is template : `easy medium hard custom theme` <b>Do not make extra spaces</b><br>
Here is example : `123 456 789 101 1` time is in milliseconds<br>
To reset saves just delete *.txt file
## Thanks to
* [xerpi](https://github.com/xerpi/) - [vita2d](https://github.com/xerpi/libvita2d)<br>
* [VITASDK team](https://github.com/vitasdk) - VitaSDK