# Shortcuts Enhancer
**Simple app to enhance the shortcuts on the PS Vita index menu.**
**Based on QuickLaunch Installer by 1upus and IndexMenuMaker by Moody_Blues**
With this app, you can create custom images linked to any PS Vita app/game for the shortcuts shown in the PS Vita index menu, also, you can select between the icon or the startup image of your app/game to create the shrotcut preview.
When creating the preview images, you can choose between a bunch of colorfull backgrounds (when icon0 is selected, thanks to moody b) to make your shortcuts look the way you want them.
### Changelog 2.00 ###
- Added compatibility with new official XML (blue icons).<br>
- Added option to restore official XML (press and hold L&R).<br>
### Changelog 1.01 ###
- Whatsnew.xml links fixed, ONEmenu was linked instead of Vitashell by default.<br>
- Whatsnew.xml read/write issue fixed.<br>
## Controls are as follows: ##
The front touch pad is enabled in this app for some functions :)
- Up/Down (Dir Pad)Scroll trough game/app list.<br>
- Right/Left (Dir Pad)Change preview background.<br>
- R/L or Touch Pad (Or tap the preview highlight it)Switch shortcut preview.<br>
- Square Switch between Icon0/Startup/Custom image.<br>
- Accept Set the selected preview to appear in the index menu (restart required).<br>
- Triangle Set all 3 previews to appear in the index menu (restart required).<br>
- SELECT or Touch Pad (Or double tap at the bottom of the screen) To show controls menu<br>
- START Go back to Livearea (when doing changes a restart is needed for changes to take effect).<br>
Just in case you want to create your own images with PS or any other image editor, all you have to do is resize them to 282*108, rename them to the game id in upper case letters,save them as png format and place them in the following path<br>
*ux0:data/SHORTCUTS/1MENUVITA.PNG* (as an example XD)
Also, if you want to use your own font for the previews you can place your font file at<br>
### Credits: ###
**u/CaSquall** for sharing their images in [Vitahacks]
**IndexMenuMaker by Moody_Blues** https://hackusagi.hateblo.jp/entry/IndexMenuMaker
**QuickLaunch Installer by 1upus** https://github.com/1upus/QuickLaunch_installer_for_PSVita