# THIS TOOL IS OUTDATED, PLEASE USE https://github.com/SKGleba/VitaTools#vita-bootanim INSTEAD
# CBS-Manager
This tool can display an Image/Animation/Console Info during the PSVita boot process.<br>
The boot logo that is displayed at the beginning can not be hidden with this plugin. Use https://github.com/SKGleba/CBS-Manager/tree/master/enso_nologo to hide the logo.<br>
### To update365 users:
If Enso 3.65-update365 is installed and boot_config.txt exists in vs0:tai/ CBS will not be loaded, please update Enso to the latest version.<br>
# Setting up CBS-M
1) Download and install the VPK, if you have an older version of CBS/CBS-M please remove/uninstall it first.
2) Open the newly installed app, it will install CBSM to enso's boot_config and taihen's config.txt.
3) Reboot
4) Go to Settings->Theme & Background, there should be a new entry: "Boot Screen". That's it!
# Usage
- Use https://github.com/SKGleba/PSP2-CBAnim to create a CBSM-compatible static image/animation file.
- "Static image" should be a RGBA raw or gzipped image, put it in "ur0:tai/boot_splash.img"
- "Animation" is a custom file format generated by CBANIM, put it in "ur0:tai/boot_animation.img"
- "Console info" also supports a 960x128 animation, custom file format generated by CBANIM, put it in "ur0:tai/lboot_animation.img"
# Credits
- PrincessOfSleeping for the original CBS
- Team Molecule for henkaku and enso.
- Dots-Tb for the kernel blit