# VITAforecast
![VITAforecast Banner](http://i.imgur.com/JX8pnKF.png)
A PS VITA application that grabs data from api.openweathermap.org, and parses the data to extract relevant details.
## Instructions:
1. Drag and drop the VPK into your vita's memory card.
2. Open Vitashell and install.
3. Make sure you have a working net connection and you're good to go.
## Note:
Please enter your zip code correctly and use common letters **only**. For example (Use without quotations):
Format: "zipcode,id"
- "wv1,gb" = Wolverhampton, UK
- "07001,us" = Avenel, US
- "169-0072,jp" = Tōkyō-to, JP
- "75008,fr" = Palais-Royal, FR
## Controls:
- Square: Re-enter zip code and ID.
- Start: Exit app.
- Triangle: Refresh data (although it already does this in the background).
## Credits:
- nickelad for helping me out with HTTP functions.
- preetisketch for designing the GUI's background and the banner.
- d3stroy from deviantart for the current atmosphere icons.
- MerlinTheRed from deviantart for the app's icon0.