# AnalogStickDisable
Plug-in for disabling PSVita's analog stick and more</p>
__It does not work properly on some applications!! (PCSG00610 etc)__
<p>Build by
<a href="https://github.com/Hack-Usagi" target=blank>Hack-Usagi</a>
<a href="https://github.com/Princess-of-Sleeping" target=blank>Princess-of-Sleeping</a>
<a href="https://github.com/Yoti" target=blank>Yoti</a>
<a href="https://github.com/Hack-Usagi" target=blank>Hack-Usagi</a>
- idea, developed
<a href="https://github.com/Princess-of-Sleeping" target=blank>Princess-of-Sleeping</a>
- advice on development, beta test
<a href="https://github.com/Yoti" target=blank>Yoti</a>
- author of Swap, LtoR and RtoL mods
### Installation
Add this plugin under `*KERNEL` section in `ux0:tai/config.txt`
### Released items
-Disable Vita's left and right analog sticks.
-Vita Disable left analog stick.
-Vita Disable right analog stick.
-Assign Vita's left stick operation to right stick.
-Assign Vita's Right stick operation to Left stick.
-Swap the operation of Vita's left and right analog graphics.
#### Ver1.0
#### Ver1.1
Patched all known control functions.<p>
"AnalogStickDisable_LeftOnly.skprx", "AnalogStickDisable_RightOnly.skprx" released.<br>
You can disable only one of the analog sticks by using them.
#### Ver1.2
"AnalogStickDisable_LeftToRight.skprx", "AnalogStickDisable_RightToLeft.skprx" and "AnalogStickDisable_SwapLeftAndRight.skprx" released.