# NoPowerLimits
A PSVita kernel plugin that removes some restrictions placed by [ScePower](https://docs.vitasdk.org/group__ScePowerUser.html#ga9c95226b6af51ff89c04b61ee1fe01da).
- **77% brightness limit** - when a game requests power mode C or D (166MHz GPU + network features)
- **Disabled WLAN (network features)** - when a game requests power mode B (166MHz GPU + full brightness)
- **Disabled camera** - when a game requests power mode C or D (166MHz GPU + network features)
Previously with 166+MHz on the GPU, you either had available WLAN ***or*** 100% brightness. Now you can have them both in all four power modes (A/B/C/D).
### How to install
1. Put [NoPowerLimits.skprx](https://github.com/Electry/NoPowerLimitsVita/releases) in ur0:tai/ folder
2. Copy this to ur0:tai/config.txt
3. Reboot your Vita